Before we had digital storage for our possessions businesses kept their most sensitive documents in a special room that was only accessible to those who required it. It’s now known as an investor dataroom (or VDR) and is one of the most crucial tools a startup can have when it comes to due diligence with investors.

A virtual investment banking data room makes the process of sharing your company’s most valuable documents with potential investors a lot easier and quicker. The goal is to reduce emails with confidential attachments which are sent to each investor. This can be time-consuming and make the fundraise more difficult.

If you’re in search of an VDR to use for your business, select one that is simple to use and offers customer support for problems or require assistance. The best investment bank VDR software lets you upload large quantities of data in a short time. It also features powerful search capabilities and granular permissions to ensure that your data is only accessible by the appropriate individuals.

There are many different ways to structure your investor data room but the key is to include all the information that is required by investors as they conduct their due diligence. This includes your pitch deck that should be customized for each investor, as well as any other public information or market research reports you have. Additionally, it’s beneficial to include a list of references and customer references to prove you have a solid client base.